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June 24, 2020

Pond Lehocky managing partner featured on Legal Toolkit Podcast

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Pond Lehocky managing partner spoke with Legal Toolkit on the evolution of workers’ compensation law and how today’s unique circumstances under COVID-19 has brought new layers of complication. Jared Correia talks with Sam Pond about the current state of workers’ rights and how lawyers in any area of the law can help those working in unsafe conditions.

The entire episode can be streamed online here: https://legaltalknetwork.com/podcasts/legal-toolkit/2020/06/the-state-of-workers-rights-today/ 

“I think that first, that the profession of law is sacred. All professions are sacred, but where we are, within our profession are really the keys to liberty and the keys to the rule of law. And without that, we don’t even have a capitalist system. We don’t have a market driven system. We don’t have the ability to have free speech and everything else that we have under our Constitution. So, what we really need to do is to honor the profession,” Pond shared. “I think that folks can take for granted having a license to practice law and understand that there’s certain fundamental things that we have, and that is honesty. That is trust. That is the ability to make a difference and understand that the courthouse is really the game changer, is the equalizer between the powerful and the weak.”

Legal Toolkit host, Jared D. Correia, Esq. is the CEO of Red Cave Law Firm Consulting, which offers subscription-based law firm business management consulting and technology services for solo and small law firms. Red Cave also works with legal institutions and legal-facing corporations to develop programming and content. A former practicing attorney, Jared has been advising lawyers and law firms for over a decade. He is a regular presenter at local, regional, and national events, including ABA TECHSHOW. He regularly contributes to legal publications, including his column, ‘Managing,’ for Attorney at Work, and his ‘Law Practice Confidential’ advice column for Lawyerist. Jared is the author of the American Bar Association publication ‘Twitter in One Hour for Lawyers’. He is the host of the Legal Toolkit podcast on Legal Talk Network. Jared also teaches for Concord Law School, Suffolk University Law School and Solo Practice University. He loves James Taylor, but respects Ron Swanson; and, he tries to sneak Rolos when no one is looking.

Pond is a founding partner of Pond Lehocky, a nationally recognized injury and disability law firm headquartered in Philadelphia. A former President of the Philadelphia Trial Lawyers Association, he served for six years as treasurer of that organization’s Committee for a Better Tomorrow. He has previously served in leadership roles for numerous organizations, including chair of the Philadelphia Bar Association’s Workers’ Compensation Section and member of the Pennsylvania Board of Law Examiners.

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